Aircraft Insurance: What is the Two Way Cross Liability clause?

Many aircraft are owned by more than one person, such as an equity group, and in such cases the insurance is often arranged in the name of the group. This can present an issue if there is an insured accident where one part-owner is piloting the aircraft and another part-owner is a passenger. As the passenger is effectively also the policyholder they would not necessarily receive the protection provided by the passenger liability section of the policy.

To address this issue our aircraft insurance policy includes a ‘Two Way Cross Liability’ clause which extends the cover in a number of ways, including to ensure that any part owner who is travelling as a passenger in the aircraft will receive the same level of protection under the passenger liability section as would any other passenger.

For further details, existing policyholders can download copies of their Policy Booklet by following the guide described here. Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

Aeroplane Insurance
Our flexible online insurance service caters for most fixed and flex wing aircraft.
Helicopter Insurance
Whether looking for helicopter or gyrocopter cover, our online service can help.