About My Aircraft Cover Options

What is Aircraft Loss or Damage cover?

This is a core option under our aircraft insurance policy and can provide cover for the cost of loss or damage to your aircraft arising from a range of causes such as accident, theft and storm. The level of the cover provided depends on the sum insured you select (up to £2 million) and whether you have opted to pay the first part of any claim (i.e. the deductible).

IMPORTANT – Malicious damage is not covered under the Aircraft Loss or Damage section so if you require cover for vandalism you must select the ‘War & Allied Perils’ option.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Betterment cover?

Under the standard 'Aircraft Loss or Damage' cover of your aircraft insurance policy, if a part which has a specified ‘overhaul life’ needs to be replaced following insured loss or damage to the aircraft, the amount payable under the claim is normally reduced to reflect the proportion of the overhaul life which has elapsed. Thus if a £10,000 propeller which has an overhaul life span of 2,000 hours is damaged, and it is 70% through its ‘life’, then the claim settlement may be £3,000, with the owner paying the difference.

If the Betterment option is selected, no deduction is made for the proportion of the overhaul life which has elapsed so you will normally be paid the full cost of a replacement part, minus any deductible in force. Note any unit whose hours have exceeded the manufacturers prescribed life are excluded from the protection provided by the betterment section.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is War and Allied Perils cover (Aircraft)?

Claims for loss or damage to the aircraft arising from war, riot, hijacking and malicious damage (e.g. vandalism) are specifically excluded from the Aircraft Loss or Damage section of our policy.

The 'War and Allied Perils' option of our aircraft insurance allows you to purchase cover for such events in respect of loss or damage to the aircraft. Note this cover option is only available if you have also arranged Aircraft Loss or Damage cover.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Road Transportation cover?

Under the standard aviation insurance policy, your aircraft is not covered while it is being transported by any means of conveyance, including by road.

Selecting the Road Transportation option can extend your aircraft insurance to cover loss or damage to your aircraft while it is being transported by road, subject to the normal sum insured limit and any applicable deductible. Note this cover option is only available if you have also arranged Aircraft Loss or Damage cover.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Courtesy Aircraft cover?

If your aircraft suffers an insured loss or damage and the time required to repair it exceeds 30 days, the courtesy aircraft option under your aviation insurance can cover the costs of renting or leasing a temporary replacement aircraft while such repairs are being undertaken.

The level of the cover provided depends on the sum insured you select. Note this cover option is only available under your aircraft insurance policy if you have also arranged Aircraft Loss or Damage cover.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Liability cover (Aircraft)?

Aircraft owners and operators must legally have in place at least a minimum amount of aviation insurance against their potential liabilities for loss, damage or injury to third parties which might arise from the flying of their aircraft. If the aircraft can carry passengers then there is also a legal minimum cover requirement in respect of potential liabilities to such passengers. Further rules apply to owners and operators who are carrying passengers or cargo commercially.

The law only specifies minimum levels of cover that must be in place, and these vary based on factors such as the aircraft’s maximum take off weight, number of passenger seats and type of use. When you request a quote we will provide an estimate for the minimum legal requirement based on the information you have entered. However, you can check the minimum cover requirement by visiting the CAA Website where you simply enter your registration, click 'Search', scroll down and click 'Minimum Insurance Requirements'.

We also use a ‘Combined Single Limit’ (CSL) for liability cover which saves you having to worry about the different minimum limits for third party cover, passenger cover etc.

IMPORTANT – You should consider arranging more than just the legal minimum cover because if you are responsible for an accident which results in damages that are greater than the cover you hold, you will be liable to pay the difference. 

For example, imagine an owner who arranged an aircraft insurance policy with a CSL of £3 million as this was the legal minimum required for their circumstances. If they are subsequently responsible for an accident in which the courts award damages of £4 million, the policy will pay out £3 million but the owner would still be liable to pay the uninsured £1 million, possibly requiring the sale of other property to meet their liability.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Crown Indemnity cover?

The UK Ministry of Defence often requires the owners of civilian aircraft who wish to use their airfields to hold a higher level of third party liability cover under their aircraft insurance than the normal minimum required by law. This cover option therefore provides a higher level of such liability cover (£7,500,000) while your aircraft is in operation at a UK MOD airfield.

Note this cover option is only available if you have also arranged Liability cover under you aviation insurance policy.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Passenger Voluntary Settlement cover?

IMPORTANT - Passenger Voluntary Settlement is not the same as Passenger Liability Cover, with the latter being the mandatory aircraft insurance that you must hold if your aircraft can carry passengers, and the level of which is determined by the Combined Single Limit

If as the result of an accident involving your aircraft, a passenger suffers a serious injury, Passenger Voluntary Settlement can pay up to a maximum of £150,000 to that passenger. The size of the payment is determined by the nature of the injury and the level of cover the policyholder has arranged.

Unlike Passenger Liability cover, payment under the voluntary settlement is made regardless of who was liable for the accident, although in accepting the payment the injured passenger would waive their rights to any further liability claim under the policy.

The Passenger Voluntary Settlement option is only available on aviation insurance policies where you have selected Liability cover.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Airside Vehicle Liability cover?

This optional cover under your aircraft insurance policy can protect you against liabilities for loss, damage or injury you may cause arising out of the use of a motor vehicle while within an airfield’s secure perimeter.

The level of the cover provided depends on the limit of liability you select and can be up to £10 million. Claims for liability for third party property damage are subject to a £500 deductible. Note this cover option is only available if you have also arranged Third Party / Passenger Liability cover under your aviation insurance policy.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Spare Parts and Equipment cover?

Visicover aircraft insurance provides an option to cover loss or damage to spare engines, spare parts, components and equipment destined to be fitted to or form part of your Aircraft, including mechanics tools and ground handling equipment for use in connection with the Aircraft.

The level of the cover provided depends on the sum insured you select (up to £10,000) and is subject to a compulsory deductible based on the selected sum insured.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Flying Clothing and Effects cover?

This option under your Visicover aircraft insurance can provide cover for loss or damage to your or your pilots flying clothing, maps, navigating equipment and instruments, headsets, safety equipment and baggage in or on your Aircraft. Money, credit cards and various other items are not covered.

The level of the cover provided depends on the sum insured you select and there is a compulsory deductible based on the selected sum insured. Up to £4,000 cover can be selected, with a maximum payable in respect of any one person’s clothing and effects of £2,000.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Trip Interruption cover?

Under this option, if your aircraft suffers insured loss or damage, your Visicover aircraft insurance policy will pay the reasonable food, travel and accommodation expenses incurred by you and your passengers as a result.

The level of the cover provided depends on the sum insured you select (up to £6,000) with a maximum payable in respect of any one person’s expenses of £1,000.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Personal Accident cover (Aircraft)?

If, as the result of an accident involving your aircraft, a passenger suffers a serious injury, the aircraft insurance policy can pay up to £10,000 to that passenger, or contribute up to £1,000 towards their medical and related expenses, regardless of who was liable for the accident.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Finance / Lease Contract cover?

It is often a requirement of finance / lease agreements that the aircraft is insured against loss or damage and that the interest of the finance / leasing company is noted in the associated aircraft insurance policy.

If your aircraft is the subject to one or more such agreements and you have selected Aircraft Loss or Damage cover, you can record the interest of the finance / leasing company involved by adding this cover option.

Please note, if details of a finance lease contract are added to your policy it will prevent certain changes to your cover from being made without our first giving 30 days’ notice to the finance company concerned. These include:

  • Removing, adding or amending details of the finance contract.
  • Changing the aircraft registration or make / model.
  • Reducing the agreed value or liability limit below agreed levels.
  • Increasing the excess above agreed levels.
  • Cancelling hull cover, liability cover, war cover or the policy as a whole

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is No Claims Discount Protection cover?

You can earn a discount on your policy for each successive claim free year you have held an aircraft insurance policy, up to a maximum of 20%. However if you make a claim this discount returns to 0%.

No claims discount protection cover allows you to make one claim in a year on this policy without affecting your No Claim Discount entitlement.

Important - NCD Protection can only be purchased when you first take out a policy or at renewal. It cannot be added mid term.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here.

Alternatively, to download the latest Policy Booklet, please select one of the following:

Aeroplane Booklet  Helicopter Booklet

What is Ground and Taxiing Only (GATO) Cover?

If your aircraft is not flying, either because it is a new build, or is laid up for a long period, it is possible to initially arrange your aircraft insurance on a Ground and Taxiing Only (GATO) basis. This is useful because even when not being flown, your aircraft can still suffer loss or damage (e.g. storm damage while parked), while moving it around the airfield raises the risk of liability for injury to third parties or damage to their property.

GATO is available on an Aircraft Loss or Damage only basis or for Aircraft Loss or Damage and Liability cover.

You can arrange cover initially on a GATO basis and can then upgrade your aircraft insurance to include flight risks at any time through the website. It is not normally possible to downgrade cover to GATO once full flight cover has been selected, although we may consider requests to do so where an aircraft is grounded for a protracted period due to some unforeseen event.