How can I view or download copies of my policy documents?

Your policy documents will be emailed to you when you purchase or amend a policy. You can also download copies of such documents as follows:

  • Sign in to Visicover as normal and select 'My Account' from the main menu
  • Select 'Documents' to see the standard emails which we have sent to you, displayed in date / time sent order, with the most recent shown first. A short description is provided of what the email related to along with the email address to which it was sent.
  • Find the email you want by either:
    • Viewing your policy details to find the date your policy was changed, then scrolling to that date in the list or
    • Using the 'Search' option to look for specific text such as a vessel make, aircraft registration or the words 'renewal', policy' etc.
  • Once found, select the email to open it at which point details of the email and any attached files will be displayed towards the bottom of the page.
  • Select the document you require which, depending on your browser, can then either be viewed or downloaded.

However, don't forget that if you simply wish to check your cover, it may be quicker to view your policy details online.

Boat Insurance
We can offer flexible, low-cost cover online for kayaks to ocean going yachts.
Aeroplane Insurance
Our flexible online insurance service caters for most fixed and flex wing aircraft.
Helicopter Insurance
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