How do I change my personal details (mailing address, phone number etc)?

To change your occupation, mailing address, phone numbers or contact email:

  • Sign in to Visicover as normal and select 'My Account' from the main menu
  • Click 'Manage Customer Details'
  • Update the details you wish to change
  • Click 'Confirm' to commit the changes or 'Cancel' to exit without saving


  1. While your contact email can be the same as your Sign in email, you can opt to use a different email address for each. Thus while changing the contact email will change the address we use to send you policy information and documents, it does not change the email address you use to log in. For information on how to update your login email, click here.
  2. Your contact email is used to send you important information about your insurance, such as your policy documents and renewal notifications. It is therefore important that you monitor this email and ensure that you keep it current.
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