Boat Insurance: What is Mooring Fees cover?

If you are unable to use the vessel, either because of loss or damage to it which results in a claim under the boat insurance policy, or because you suffer a severe injury, this option can pay towards the cost of your vessel’s mooring fees while you are unable to use it.

You select what cover limit you require up to £5,000, and there is no excess for you to pay in respect of a claim under this cover.

There are various exclusions which apply to this option, such as the first 7 days of fees, or where this cover option was not in force at the time of the loss.

This option is only available if you have also selected the ‘Vessel Loss or Damage’ option.

The Policy Booklet contains full details about how this cover operates, including any exclusions or conditions. Existing policyholders can download copies of the applicable Booklet for their policy by following the guide described here. Alternatively, to download the latest boat insurance Policy Booklet, please click here.

Should you wish to start an online boat insurance quote, please click here.

Boat Insurance
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